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Fruitful Life Family Media is one of many community outreach components of the Fruitful Life Network for Family and Community.  Originally launched as a local church in September of 2004, over the years, Fruitful Life developed into a spiritual "urgent care" healing center, providing coaching for families in crisis and guidance for individuals searching for ways to break unhealthy lifestyle cycles and patterns. 


Today, FLFM is a hope-based, innovative, internet reference resource that is designed to facilitate personal and relational growth and healing. This online library helps seekers and researchers become more informed on Biblical teachings and views, equipping and enabling them to apply their beliefs and convictions in every day situations and relationships.


FLFM and its internet instructors use their education and experience to bring a unique hope-centered approach, specifically in their guidance, encouragement and coaching of women and men who are seeking to build a better future for themselves, their families and their communities. 

Fruitful Life is dedicated to the restoration of the urban world through the healing of hearts and homes.  Here's why:


* Chris Green was the unborn babe in his mother's womb when his parents lost their two-year old son in a tragic food choking accident. It is told that his mother wailed, screamed and cried in grief, shock and sorrow. Child psychologist have revealed that an unborn baby is deeply impacted by the emotional state of the mother. Chris was born with an overwhelming sense of loss, sadness, grief, depression and pessimism.

* Another inner city family was torn apart by another kind of loss. Carol's parents were separated when she was 11 years old, a very critical time in the life of a young girl. She was devastated. She lived with a broken heart, a crushed spirit, and very little hope for any kind of a successful life and future.

The solemn little boy and fearful little girl grew up and one day they met on a college campus. It took being introduced two times to get them to talk to one another. When they did, their lives were joined together and thus began a long journey of personal healing which eventually led to marriage and a ministry of inner healing.


It was destined for these broken, crushed and wounded souls to, one day, become known as "Healers of Broken Lives." Together, they established a faith-based, family-focused ministry that is establishing a network of home groups that prepare attendees to rebuild their families and effectively work in, and positively impact their communities.


Urban Life is part of an Urban World Harvest initiative to establish spiritual care and effective human services in urban communities throughout the United States and around the world.

To learn more about the leaders, vision and mission please click on photo and icons below.

Chris and Carol Green
What we're saying

We're not here to build a religion.

We're here to build PEOPLE.


What we're doing


Fulfilling the Great Commandment


Why we're here


Fulfilling the Great Commission


Learn more about the people that launched this website at

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The Digital Archives of Fruitful Life Network, Inc.



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