Inspirational Books and Video Downloads
...for your Faith Family and Home Group Gatherings
Please use these books and video clips as part of your Faith Family Gatherings.
You can choose to journey through this material in any order and at your own pace.
Click on TITLES to access materials.
Access a Daily Prayer of Proclamations and Devotional
Home Group Discussion Clips
10 - Free eBook Downloads
Teaching Series from Psalm 139 & 2 Peter 1: 5-10
Excerpts from high-impact Sunday Gatherings from 2010 - 2015
Marriage and Relationship
Navigating Life's Transitions, Trials and Changes
Josh McDowell challenges our many beliefs about the Bible
Josh McDowell deals with the validity of the Bible
Josh McDowell helps us work through our concepts of Morality
These lessons focus on vital life-healing teachings for Believers
(Practical understanding and a spiritual overview of this ministry) This series is usually explored when one is considering joining or supporting this ministry.
