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Fruitful Life Women

Coaching and Teaching

Carol Green, established WOW (Woman of Worth) to help women realize their true value

through a coaching series called Understanding Your True WOW Factor.


As an empowered woman, wife and mother, Carol provides practical insight and information for women to see how their emotional, mental and spiritual state can affect their physical and relational well-being.


Mother's Day Messages

Answers to a Mother's Prayers

An Open Door for Mothers

Knowing God's Presence, Power and Purpose in Mothers

Meeting the Challenges of Motherhood in the 21st Century

Mother's Day 2011:

Carol Green and Angela Hodges

speak from their hearts and personal experiences on how they met

the challenges of motherhood, raising children in the 21st century.

For the Joy Set Before Us (Part 1)

Mother's Day Message from 2010

For the Joy Set Before Us (Part 2)

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