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Intercessory Prayer Agenda


The Fruitful Life Faith Family is praying for:


1.) All of mankind and that every human being come into genuine relationship with God through Yeshua the Christ.


2.) The homeless, destitute, distressed and indebted.


3.) Emotionally and mentally traumatized people who have been physically, verbally and sexually abused.

4.) Those with mental disorders and dysfunctions, special needs children and families caring for them.

5.) People with addictions of every kind. 

6.) People with deep dark secrets looking for a place of safety.


7.) The castaways and the discarded. 

8.) The disorderly and the unruly.

9.) The religious who will be searching for Truth.

10.) The thousands who have cried out night and day looking for this day; that they would not miss the time of their visitation.

Proclaiming the Original Purpose for This Ministry 


The Fruitful Life Ministry exist to:

  1. make room for the lost, outcast and forgotten, 

  2. establish followers of the life and mission of Jesus Christ,

  3. instill prayer, praise and worship as a lifestyle,

  4. release Godly hope and Biblical faith by teaching the principles of the Kingdom of God,

  5. restore apostolic order and the prophetic voice,

  6. provide an oasis of loving fellowship, friendship and faith,

  7. restore the meaning and value of covenant relationships,

  8. bridge the gaps between generations, gender and ethnic groups,

  9. teach and build Believers in God's Purpose for Prosperity, and

  10. train and send forth Believers into their marketplace ministries.

Also Standing in Intercession for:


  • Fruitful Life Leaders and Team Members - deployed in their Ministry Assignments


  • World Peace (esp. for Peace in the Middle East)

  • Pastors across America who must lead in these perilous times.

  • Fruitful Life Home Church/Fellowship leaders and their families. 

  • Families and Communities who continue to struggle in the aftermath of the global pandemic.

  • Ethnic, political and social tensions in America.

  • Activist groups and individuals that are attacking various Jews and other religous groups. 

  • Exposure of diabolical forces that are manipulating or taking advantage of social and political unrest.

  • Families and communities in the aftermath of police shootings.

  • Businesses and communities in the aftermath of rioting and looting.

  • Victims (and their families) of slave and sex trafficking (nationally and globally).

  • Persecuted Christians all over the world.

  • Our Military Troops and their families.

National and International Intercession


Prayer for all who are in authority


Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior...  1 Timothy 2:1-3



We're standing in intercession and prayer for:


The President and Vice President of the United States of America

 Our Governors, Senators and Representatives

 Our Mayors, City Councils and County Commissioners

Civil Servants (Law Enforcement, Fire & EMT, Government workers, etc.)

Judicial System (Judges, Prosecutors, Attorneys, etc.)

Correction and Prison Systems (Inmates, Wardens, Guards, Parole Officers, etc.)

Educators (From Teachers to Principals to Superintendents to Parents)

Human and Social Services (Counselors, Therapist, Social Workers, ect.)

Health and Medical Servants (Doctors, Nurses, Administrators, etc.)

Prayer for the Urban Pastors and Leaders Alliance

Headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, this alliance is overseen by Bishop Raphael Green, who leads pastors in an Urban World Harvest Expedition.


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