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Rebuild a Life

Rebuild Your Life Scholarship

Stand with us against all odds to defend the orphans, the widows, the hopeless and the helpless. You can provide a Community Care Scholarship by donating $15/month (50 cents a day) that will fund quality life coaching and support for inner city human service agencies.


The Bible states:
"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble..." James 1:27a


LIFE COACHING WORKS because it is much more than motivational speaking. We provide the practical tools and community support that helps people, who's lives have been devastated, to START AGAIN.





COMMUNITY SERVICE SUPPORT:  I get numerous testimonials from clients stating how much you have radically impacted their lives. You have provided encouragement, given them a better perspective on their lives and careers, and even on how to deal with their families. Many are now hopeful, encouraged and able to reach their employment goals. Words alone cannot express my thanks.

Your sessions have been transformational! Your services are sorely needed! Thanks for all you do!  

---T.C, Recruiter, PA CareerLink Capitol Region - Harrisburg, PA


COMMUNITY OUTREACH SUPPORT: When I first met Chris and Carol and learned of the work that they do, I knew they could have a significant positive impact on the lives of the residents we serve at Shalom House.  Without hesitation, they jumped in to begin engaging the residents and furthering the potential of turning an experience of homelessness and often hopelessness into hope and possibility. Further, they committed to helping raise the bar of effectiveness for our staff, offering their coaching expertise (and encouragement) in regular staff training sessions.Our gratitude is unending.  

---D.B., Executive Director, Shalom House Women's Shelter - Harrisburg, PA


LIFE COACHING: I went from feeling disparity and angry about losing/separating from my employer of 14 years, to having hope and faith for a chance at a better future in what lays ahead.  I (and others) truly value what you have spoken about through your personality assessments and relating your family's personal struggles, with what we in Job Club are/were going through. The way you relate to people is non-judgmental; critiquing without criticizing. If you offer your other services in the same caring manor,

I know people will come out feeling uplifted rather than downtrodden. I know I certainly have.  ---J.W., Pennsylvania


LIFE COACHING: Chris and Carol Green are angels sent by GOD, who reflect His character and walk in true Love. This causes an explosive, uplifting, life transformation in all who's path they cross. Thank You LORD for this refreshing couple!  

---M.C., Pennsylvania


LIFE COACHING: Chris and Carol - I rarely do testimonials, but I had to take the time to tell you how meeting you has truly changed my life. You put things in very easy terms so anyone can understand; so they can practically change their lives. Your life coaching sessions have made my relationships better and I've learned so much more about myself in a short period of time. I fully support everything you do and plan on only using your resources and services going forward.  ---R.B., Pennsylvania



We are firm believers of Matthew 25:37-40 (NKJV) which reads: “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’


We would be eternaly grateful if you are able to help us continue to serve THE LEAST OF THESE in this community. 
May God bless you!

Chris and Carol Green
Fruitful Life Family Media


Make a donation to provide a life coaching opportunity today!


$15/month (50 cents per day) or any amount is welcomed.

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